Monday, November 29, 2010

The results are in! Down with Trailing, Up with Traveling!

The results of my highly scientific and well-read poll are in:

First Place: Traveling Spouse
Second Place: Sidecar
Honorable Mention: Accompanying Spouse

Granted, there were only 9 votes.  I've now changed my blog title. Unfortunately, "trailing spouse" is still the go-to keyword in searches.

Good news too!  My husband wrote three letters to researches in his field, and is having his advisor help him fine-tune them.  That means this week, there will the THREE irons in our fire, and I am so happy about it.  He seems way more upbeat than usual, and that makes the whole house brighter.  Where, you may ask? Well, I won't get too specific, but France, Wisconsin and Ohio.  I've only been to one of these places, and it was at a rest stop (no, it wasn't France).

My boss is gone the first two days of this week, and though that may seem like time to drool on my keyboard, I got a few hours of major stuff done this morning.  I'm hoping to have enough stuff done while she's gone to make her ok with the fact that she had to come back.

Only two days left in November! December is my birthday month, as well as my father's. I make a big to-do about my birthday.  My excuse is that so many people don't care about their birthday, so their latent birthday excitement is pulled into mine by it's strong gravitational pull.  I've got a dress to wear, but for some reason beyond me my heart is asking for a tiara.  I am going to honor that need.

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