Monday, March 21, 2011

Finished: Trumpet skirt

I look like a sloppy cheerleader, but overall I think this worked out.  But NEVER AGAIN am I working with lining fabric when it isn't directly attached at all edges to the garment.  Ugh. Even with my hemmer foot, that part turned out super shitty.  Pictures!!

I'm learning an important lesson about palettes.  I love this color, but I don't have anything to wear with it (without looking like a cheerleader).  I should have picked a color that was more muted, so it would play nice with others.

Here's a shot of the inside, which I'm more proud of than the outside:

This was a good learning experience, definitely. I finally used some of the foot attachments my mom gave me, to some success.  I'll definitely be using a hemmer foot again.  But hemming lining fabric? Screw that. Not fun, not fun at all.

This also taught me that I would LOOOOOVVVVE a serger.  Finishing all the seams with bias tape looked good, but not every garment wants that much extra weight on the inside.  I also need a serger so I can turn these tissue paper cut-outs into fabric curtains:

Cut-outs by a friend, originally party decorations.

Imagine trying to hem THAT.


  1. How much would you charge to make one of these to order? I know it's a really significant investment of time and materials, but I'd really like to have one and would be happy to pay whatever makes it worth your while!


  2. Jeez, I have no idea! You'd have to come over for fittings. Maybe I should buy a dressmaker form. You flatter me.


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