Friday, June 24, 2011

Trailing/Traveling/Accompanying Spouse Link Round-up

Here are some new blogs I've found:

Way Off Base: military spouse blog, many expat stories

Tales of an Accidental Trailing Spouse: expat blog

The Trailing Spouse Survey: a rather intensive study on 264 trailing spouses from 20 different country (nothing domestic, though)

The Fatidical* Question: This glimpse at an expat women's experience at cocktail parties with her husband pretty much proves that people are jerks.

Tokyo Blond: expat blog in Japan, no kids! (on purpose)

I'm still looking for those illusive blogs by women with no children moving domestically.  Ladies? Ladies?

*Word of the week! I had no idea what this meant (prophetic) and actually assumed it was misspelled.


  1. Thanks for the mention :) In have been enjoying reading your links that you have found. I totally know what it is like to find a blog that is similar to yours. I can find tons of military spouse blog but they are a)NOT like me, personally and b)NOT like me, situationally. (i.e. if they happen to live overseas it is in some pseudo-Americana on a big base.)It is hard being the military spouse in the foreign service world-some things are the same, many things aren't.

  2. I really, really, really value the people I've met through this blog, even though we don't *really* know each other. Every comment gives me some peace of mind. Thank you for reading!

  3. Thanks for the Trailing Spouse Survey, this is my special interest and was happy to find some stats. I'm interested in all thing related to TS's. Piia


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